20 Amazing Add-ons For Google

Add-ons For Google

If you are also one of those who like Google chrome’s speed and memory status, but are unable to fully switch to it from Firefox because of lack of extensions, then do not worry. Solution or I must say solutions to your problem are here!! Firefox has definitely been ahead of Google chrome since quite … Read more

25+ Famous, Sleek and Elegant Fonts

Elegant Fonts

Today while doing the research I came across a number of famous, sleek and elegant fonts. Using the correct font is very important; a designer should know which font to use where. These fonts help you in great terms such as, if you want to emphasize on some thing you can use a large font or may be a sparkling font for some kind of offer.

Fresh free and premium fonts pop up every now and then; to make your web’s content striking, eye-catching and easy to read by the visitors. And as a result today we have a stream of fonts to pick from for our web. You can use free fonts if you are not a professional designer and want to use the font only once or twice or you can buy them as well if you design web pages professionally, so that you can use the font any time you desire. However choosing the right kind of font for your web page is the most important task. As it helps you interpret your message to the visitor and at the same time giving your web a great look.

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30+ Science fiction Wallpapers

Science is the genre of science which deals with imaginary and fiction world….world which has never existed and might never even exist. It differs from fantasy within the context of story only. It does not matter if you are using a tablet, laptop or a PC. NO body likes to see boring wallpaper all day … Read more

30+ Superb 404 Not Found Error Page Designs

404 Not Found Error Page

404 Not Found Error Page is very important for any website, as it shows up when user tries to open a page and the link is broken or moved or may be it has never existed and reader has ended up at a wrong page…..this is when 404 not found error page is required. If user lands up at such a place, he should be guided to what he was looking for or how he can go back, else he might go away from the page and will never come back. So for this reason your 404 not found error page should be creative and functional both at the same time. Sometimes web designer or developer, cannot control the cause of error page, but can minimize the damages by using a custom 404 Not Found Error page.

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