CSS – Cascading Style Sheets – is a style sheet language which helps you to convert any web related stuff into a working design. It is very important to learn CSS now-a-days as it is the most vital part of modern standard of web design. By using CSS you can make any simple page look attractive…..CSS makes your web page striking and will get you more traffic than you were receiving prior. CSS can be applied to any site written in HTLM, XHTML, XML, SVG and XUL.
In my today’s post you will find many informative CSS tutorials, each will design you a new and different thing from the previous one. I can guarantee that the CSS tutorials posted by me today are very useful and will help you……BIG TIME….Take a look!!
1- Learning The Basics of CSS Faster Than Ever
So you want to learn CSS huh? Well I can teach it but can you make it stick? My goal here today is to give a CSS beginner a basic understanding of not only how to use CSS but what it really is for. I will do my best to approach the idea of CSS from an entry-level user but I will do so in a matter of minutes.
2- CSS Basics – The First 5 Steps Towards Mastery
It was about four years ago when I began to study web design. I was taking a college course on the subject and it was nearing the end of the semester. A classmate and myself were partnered up to build a simple website about an imaginary company. After a bit of discussion, we decided that my classmate would handle the graphic side of the site, and I would tackle the HTML.
3- CSS Borders
The CSS border property gives you the option to specify the style and color of the border of an element. With this property, we now can create borders with nice effects, which can also be applied to any element.
4- Creating Liquid CSS Tabs for Menus
CSS Tabs based menu systems are really improving instead of all the classic button based navigation. This small tutorial will help you create a image based liquid tab using CSS and xHTML. Yes… there are lot other ways getting this done… but for those who are new, this could sure help.
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5- Creating Drop Caps in CSS
Drop caps are a very useful technique for making your paragraphs stand out a bit. Today, we’ll have a look at how to implement drop caps with care, and some of the pitfalls surrounding their use.
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6- How To Create a Stylish Button Entirely with CSS3
A week or two ago I posted a CSS basics tutorial on how to create a simple button graphic using image sprites. By popular demand in the comments we’ll now look at creating a similar button style graphic, but entirely with CSS. Let’s look at how CSS gradients, shadows, borders and transitions can all be combined to create a stylish button for your website.
7- Create a Vibrant Digital Poster Design with CSS3
CSS has come a long way in recent years, and with new browser support for a hand full of CSS3 properties we can begin to replicate design styles directly in the browser that beforehand were recently only possible in our design applications. Follow this walkthrough of the making of Circlicious, a vibrant and abstract digital poster design made purely of HTML and CSS.
8- How To Develop CSS3 Border Radius Tool
CSS3 is rocking the web design and web development life. You can get amazing and awesome effects and style using it. CSS3 selectors provides you a variety of functions and features. Here on Pelfusion I’ve created a simple tool which will be used to make an element corners rounded. In this simple tool just pass your value and CSS3 code will be generated. This is done using jQuery and CSS3. I have used border property of CSS3 to get this simple effect. To develop this tool you will need only two files, one PHP file and other JS file, CSS code is added internally in PHP file. You can download source code by clicking download link at the bottom of post.
9- Create Animated Price Grid Using CSS3
CSS3 is rocking the web design and web development life. You can get amazing and awesome effects and style using it. CSS3 selectors provides you a variety of functions and features. Here on Pelfusion I’ve created a simple tool which will be used to make an element corners rounded. In this simple tool just pass your value and CSS3 code will be generated. This is done using jQuery and CSS3. I have used border property of CSS3 to get this simple effect. To develop this tool you will need only two files, one PHP file and other JS file, CSS code is added internally in PHP file. You can download source code by clicking download link at the bottom of post.
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10- Create a Stylish Contact Form with CSS3
Follow this step by step process to create your own stylish contact form completely out of HTML5 and CSS3. We’ll be using a couple of the handy new features in HTML5 to add cool functionality to our form, while making use of cool CSS3 properties to recreate our Photoshop concept purely in code.
11- Three column fixed layout structure using CSS
This post explains how to realize an HTML/CSS basic structure to design a simple three column fixed page layout with standard elements (logo top bar, navigation bar, text stage, center column for post categories and right column to insert Google AdSense 120X600 ads), to use in your projects.
12- How To Create a Horizontally Scrolling Site
Different techniques for creating horizontally scrolling layouts.
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13- Create a Dark Navigation Menu Design with CSS
Follow this step by step guide to create a dark and sleek navigation menu design. We’ll begin by building the visual concept in Photoshop, export the image files, then build up the final menu in HTML and CSS using a range of declarations to replicate the design and layout in code.
14- Coding a Stylish Blog Design Layout in CSS
Last week we went through the process of designing a stylish blog layout in Photoshop. Now let’s take our visual concept and cut it into slices for use with neat HTML and CSS code. All our browser testing will be done on this coded concept before converting the design into a full WordPress theme.
At the end of the last post, the design concept had been put together in Photoshop and was all ready to rock. To refresh your memory, here’s the design we’ll be working on.
15- Advanced CSS Menu
This tutorial I will show you how to slice up the menu design (step by step) and put them together with CSS. Most of you probably know how to code a horizontal or vertical CSS list menu. Now let’s take it to the next level — code an advanced (un-typical) list menu utilizing the CSS position property.
16- How to CSS Large Background
how to make a large background site with CSS. So, I thought it would be a good idea to share my techniques on designing large background websites. In this tutorial, I will provide various CSS examples on how you can create a large background site using either a single or double images.
17- CSS Gradient Text Effect
Do you want to create fancy headings without rendering each heading with Photoshop? Here is a simple CSS trick to show you how to create gradient text effect with a PNG image (pure CSS, no Javascript or Flash). All you need is an empty tag in the heading and apply the background image overlay using the CSS position:absolute property. This trick has been tested on most browsers: Firefox, Safari, Opera, and even Internet Explorer 6. Continue to read this article to find out how.
18- The CSS-Only Accordion Effect
The Accordion Effect is fast becoming one of the most commonly used (and perhaps abused?) effects of the Web 2.0 world. Most JavaScript frameworks make such an effect fairly easy to pull off – heck, MooTools even built their reputation on it in the early days. So what makes this accordion effect special? It doesn’t require a single line of JavaScript.
19- Content Overlay with CSS
When you hover over the image, the container div is shown with more text.
20- A CSS styled table
A beautifully styled, table with semantic mark-up – uses a background image.
21- Simple Rounded Corner CSS Boxes
Uses only one image and very few lines of code and mark-up.
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22- CSS Drop Shadows
They’re the corkscrew in every graphic designer’s Swiss Army knife. Much used, oft maligned but always popular, drop shadows are a staple of graphic design. Although easy to accomplish with image-editing software, they’re not of much use in the fast-changing world of web design. On the web, adaptability and ease of use dictate trends — and static images with a fixed background effect are not very adaptable.
23- Create Digital Poster Design with CSS3 Only
The initial idea and design concept was first laid out in Photoshop (basic geometric shapes overlay on the canvas) as reference for the HTML/CSS stages later.
24- Creating text effects with CSS text-shadow
The text-shadow is not new property in CSS3, infact it was introduced in CSS 2, however the browsers have implemented it recently. As the name refers, the text-shadow property allows to create text shadow. Following is the syntax of the text-shadow.
25- A CSS-based Form Template
Showcases an accessible web form.
26- How to Design & Code a Stylish Button
Some of my most popular articles and tutorials are those that cover the basics. In this post we’ll go through the process of designing a stylish button graphic in Photoshop, then build a complete working example in HTML and CSS. We’ll be looking at pseudo selectors in particular to create hover and active states for the button.
27- CSS Sprite for your next project
We’ve all come across the issue of efficiency when we’re slicing and coding a website. One very easy way to save on load time and pre-load any images for hover affects is to create a css sprite. Rather than having about 50 different 16×16 .png icons in an images folder, a css sprite throws all of those icons into one larger .png file. With all of these icons in one file, the browser only has to load one image to have your entire icon library pre-loaded and ready for use. The only work you have to do is space out your icons and specify their location in your stylesheet.
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28- Creating a graph using percentage background images
Creating a graph using percentage background images very useful tutorial for css.
29- Horizontal CSS Menus
These sliding doors based blue tinted tabs “jump up” when selected, such as when the mouse rolls over each one. This is accomplished using a combination of relative positioning and padding on each tab. The selected tab is first stretched vertically by giving it a thick bottom padding, then plucked out thanks to the CSS “top” property value that’s smaller than the normal tabs’. The result are tabs that animate without any scripting.
30- A CSS only validating flyout menu
Please note that this is a VERY OLD version, produced over 5 years ago and is left here for ‘posterity’. If you want the very latest flyout using modern styling techniques please see the latest version found here.
31- CSS Sliding Door using only 1 image
Before I know about this technique, I was using different images for each of the button I needed in a navigation bar. I found that it is not user friendly and also need more CSS coding. Besides, it is increasing the processing time and bandwidth in loading a site. In this tutorial, I will show you how to code the navigation bar using only 1 image. I will not cover the image creation part because I think you should know how to do that after follow few of my tutorials in the past. So, start here…