Now-a-days more and more web app are coming in market which are making the life of a web user easier day by day. One of these web app is “ADMIN USER INTERFACE”. To design a modern and easy-to-use web admin would cost you a lot, that is where we come in!! We pick some really good and professionally designed web admin templates so that our reader can you them at a very low cost.
I have compiled a list of really cool web admin page templates for you guys, and I am sure you will find them useful when designing your own web pages. So choose your favorite, create a web app and use our admin page template……..Enjoy!!
1-Constellation complete admin skin
2-Complete Liquid Admin Panel
3-HTML,CSS & jQuery Admin Panel
4-Simple Admin Flexible
5-Powerful Backend Admin Page
6-Administration for the professionals
7-Boxie Admin
8-Cleanity Complete Admin
10-UltraAdmin Full Control Panel
11-Wide Admin
12-Smart Admin High End CMS Theme
13-FreshCMS an almost complete CMS skin
14-Beautiful admin panel interface
15-Meta Admin
16-Flexy Liquid Admin Skin
17-Element Backend Admin Template
18-Broom Cupboard Admin Skin
19-Sleek Admin Clean CSS Admin Skin
20-Ultimate Admin Panel Solution
21-Smooth Admin
23-Acid App Adminsitration Panel
24-ProManager Customized Admin CMS Skin!
25-See Admin Interface
26-AP Administration Panel
27-Admin Multiskin Black White Red Blue
28-SiteCore Admin Skin
29-Admin Control Panel
30-Visual Admin
31-Ninja Admin