20 Hot Valentine’s Gifts For Designers And Geeks

Gifts For Designers And Geeks

Is it too late to share some interesting finds for Valentine’s Day? I think not. I love seeing what is out there for special occasions, especially gifts that cater to the inner geek. Admit it, there is a little bit of geekiness in you! It is, in me.  How else does one explain getting excited about fake lego jewellery or digital music on a USB stick that is camouflaged in a retro cassette tape package?

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20+ Attractive CV Resume Design for your Inspiration

Attractive CV Resume

Resume is fairly important thing in finding Job. Its not only Speaks about your Qualification and Experience but it also speaks about your capability and creativity. An impressive resume is definitely makes good impression on employer. Keeping in mind about these facts today i collected 20+ Attractive Resumes of creative peoples from deviant art, Flickr and other sites for your inspiration.

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