jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that makes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. In older days when people see something animated on website they will categorized the website as a flash website. But now because of jquery animations many people thinks that there is no need of flash when jQuery contains such an amazing animation effect which are very light in weight in comparison of flash. However if you are a begginer designer and want to learn new techniques of jquery then this post is for you because it contains 20+ fresh and awesome jquery animation tutorials.
1- How to Make an Impressive Animated Landscape Header with jQuery
It’s a cartoon themed landscape with elements which slide out to reveal additional content. The screenshot below demonstrates the layout when fully expanded.
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2- Puffing Smoke Effect in jQuery
Gaya Kessler features a beautiful animation effect of puffing smoke in this tutorial. Demo and of this tutorial is shown on the header of Gaya’s own site.
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3- Animated Drop Down Menu with jQuery
In older days people have just used a form element for standard drop downs, but nowadays with minimal effort you can create a much slicker effect using jQuery and CSS.
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4- BBC Radio 1 Zoom Tabs
After learning this tutorial you can understand how you can make BBC Radio 1 Zoom Tabs like effect where the mouse rolls over the image block, tabs slide up and the image zooms a little to reveal more of the picture.
5- Make Your Header Responses To Mouse Movements
In this tutorial we show some extra ordinary animation effects using jparllax. Now you can make your header images moving on the response of your mouse without flash. See this tutorial and learn how they can do it.
6- Animated Cartoon Robot with jQuery
We make animated cartoon robot in this tutorial by using jquery. Now you can wonder how is it done so for your information,This project was created by layering several empty divs over each other with transparent PNGs as background images.
7- Creating a Slick Auto-Playing Featured Content Slider
To create a slick Auto-Playing Featured content slider we use jquery Coda Slider plugin. It is just kind of a fun way to show lots of content in a small area.
8- Sliding Boxes and Captions with jQuery
In this tutorial you can learn how to create sliding boxes and captions coding jquery. Sliding box animations work on the same basic idea. There is a div tag that essentially acts as a window where two other items of your choosing “peek” through.
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9- Automatic Infinite Carousel
On many websites you should see the images moving continously and automatically. Now with this tutorial you can learn how it is done by using jquery.
10- Create a Realistic Hover Effect with jQuery
Now with jquery creating a real like hover effect is not more difficult. In this tutorial you should learn how to create hover effects by coding simple jquery.
11- jQuery UI Animation Effects
The jQuery UI Effects Core brings a few more advanced animation techniques to the design table. This tutorial will give you a complete example of how to use each effect (with an inline demo).
12- Scrolling Clouds
In this tutorial, you can learn how to make scrolling cloud effect using jquery and jparallax. We’ll be using JQuery to take a horizontally scrolling website and add a parallax scrolling background effect reminiscent of old-school 2D platform games like Sonic the Hedgehog.
13- Animate Image Filling Up Using jQuery
We will teach you how to do Animate image filling up by using jquery. You can also see demo of the final result and also download it from the website of the author of this tutorial.
14- Create a Cool Animated Navigation with CSS and jQuery
In older days we use Adobe’s Flash for animate any thing, but these days with the magic of javascript we can avoid Flash altogether. Today we’re going to build a really cool animated navigation menu using just CSS and jQuery.
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15- Create a Unique Gallery by Using Z-Index and jQuery
In this tutorial you will learn how we will combine the CSS property ‘z-index’ and the power of jQuery to create a unique gallery which have a appearance of a pile of pictures.
16- jQuery & CSS Sprite Animation Explained In Under 5 Minutes
With the power of jquery it’s now possible to create equally as powerful animations and effects without needing to use any third party plugins. We’ll going to show you what a sprite is and just how easy it can be to create an entire animated scene using jQuery, CSS & Sprites.
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17- Create a Resizable Image Grid with jQuery
By using some clever CSS and the jQuery UI, fluid image grids are now surprisingly simple to implement on the web. Image grids that smoothly scale at the simple drag of a slider are no longer confined to desktop apps like iPhoto or Picasa.
18- Learning jQuery: Revealing Photo Slider
In this awesome jquery tutorial you can learn how to make revealing phot slider by coding jquery. After learning this tutorial many peoples now think that there is no need of flash to create presentation and interactive UI.
19- Moving Boxes Carousel with jQuery
It is a simple jQuery tutorial in which you learn how to make moving boxes carousel. The carousel has features that allow you to zoom in and out. The boxes slide left or right.
20- Build An Incredible Login Form With jQuery
This tutorial teaches you how to create a sliding panel, that slides in to reveal more content. You can use JQuery to animate the height of the panel. You can also apply these features into your sites login area.
21- Multiple Animations with Glimmer
Glimmer is a JavaScript animation creation tool that lets you create amazing animations. Now you can learn how to create animations using jqyery by just visiting glimmer website. You will also see many examples with codes on glimmer website.
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